You have a word too. My word lately is time. I’m wise to manage it, to be a good steward of it. Quite simply, I need to take a thoughtful look at how I’m making use of it. I’m giving you an acrostic. Hopefully it will provide some accountability for me today as I think about how to maximize my time.
T = Tenderness
Ever been interrupted? Did I hear laughter? My life is a hopscotch game, leaping from one interruption to another. And if I’m not careful this drives me to a certain crankiness that robs me of the joy I know God wants for me. I’m learning to mindfully treat little tugs on me with tenderness. God appointments.
I = Importance
By prioritizing the have-to vs. the want-to I’m able to spend my time on those things I think will have the most eternal impact. Sometimes this means my house is messy. It also means I don’t hesitate to say no when a church member calls to ask me to volunteer for childcare when I’m already invested in other ministries (and potentially low on energy). Most often it means pouring my time into loved ones—relationship building.
M= Mindful, Meaningful & Me Time
M is a three for one deal. Being mindful of when I’m tapped out helps me to rest when needed. I want to invest my minutes left on earth involved in meaningful activities. And me time consists of ways to recharge. Reading the Bible, writing, reading, going for a run, and painting furniture pieces are five of the best ways for me to come back into a right mindset.
E = Engaging
This one might surprise you. If I begin a book and it doesn’t grab me, doesn’t hold my attention, I stop reading it. I don’t watch a lot of TV. I probably couldn’t tell you who is on the latest Hollywood “it” list or the latest fashion trend. And I’m discerning with friendships. An engaging relationship reminds me of lumberjacks sawing a tree. There’s give and take.
What word could you make an acrostic from this week? Faith, Discipline, Fun, Rest…?
Thankful for the Eternal Time Keeper:
“From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.” Acts 17:26
*photos by flickr