think I’m pretty much guaranteed to have one sucky day.
That was until I remembered the time of year. And all that’s
happened in my life over the past year. And you.
I ordered the cranky voice quiet and took a few moments to
reflect on all I have to be thankful for.
Things like…
Kids that still open their arms to hug me, a roaring fire in
the fireplace yesterday, a husband who brought up my books to the company we hosted
this weekend, my books—that I’ve worked hard and and people are actually buying and
reading them, my health (even though I’m really curious about a few new bumps and
red dots on my skin), that I have a God who teaches me how to forgive and love
deeply, candles, warm blankets, that I even have a dog (wild and crazy as she
is), the walk I took with my husband last night, family I love to talk to on
the phone, a memorable church message, a motley crew of diverse and fortifying
friendships, the will in me to grow and learn, an indestructible fight inside
of me. The glory of this season. Every day I get to be here on earth. . .
published four books
And I ponder in my heart, much like Mary did that majestic
evening she held her newborn in her arms, when life feels most overwhelming and
kissed by a spiritual otherness that’s difficult to conceptualize, it’s best to
embrace all of the gifts of truth we’ve been given. To cling fast to life, and
light, and everything that imbues us with hope.
Because hope is living and real.
{And it’s far more appealing than dog vomit.}
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!