Thursday, June 11, 2009

I Like Myself More When...

Early this morning when I was thinking what I’d like to blog about the words, “I got nothin’” belched forth from my brain membranes. “Give it time,” I thought. I then ran a few quick errands (one being a trip to the post office to send out Julie’s new Daisy Chain) and treated myself to a hazelnut iced coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts. And then, zam, whabap, shazing…my blog idea came to me. I’m going to give you a list of times when I like myself more.

I Like Myself More When:
I have coffee in my system
Just after a run on a major endorphin high
I’ve just prayed about forgiving someone
I’m not thinking of myself
I am creating something
I’ve had a good night of sleep
I give of my time
I’m swaying to worship songs in church
I’m encouraging a loved one
My desire to learn is great
I’m on a boat on the water
I’m reading my Bible not out of obligation, but out of thirst for relationship
I’m laughing or making others laugh
I am trying hard to love someone I find unlovable
I’m focusing on all there is to be grateful for (the movie Life is Beautiful is an excellent inspiration for this kind of thinking)
I’m edifying the church/God’s children
I’ve let go of old ways of thinking and past hurts
I retain what I read
I’m less and He is more

When do you like yourself more?
Also, way to go B.J. Anderson for getting the most T/F questions right about me!

*photo by flickr


  1. I love your list! In fact I'm in agreement when it comes to myself. Except maybe the coffee... I'd have to sub it for chocolate! :)

  2. Oh, absolutely ditto (except for the coffee).

  3. Hi Wendy! Thanks for the encouragement today! That truly touched my heart.

    Love your blog and your list. Reading the Bible because I'm thirsty and can't get enough of it, is something that I long for.

  4. I love your list! I have to add right now, I like myself more when I don't have PMS when I'm editing!

  5. Great list! Coffee, writing, enjoying my family, being home, well rested. They're the basic necessities to liking myself more.

  6. Wonderful list and I find myself agreeing with a lot of the things on there, especially when I'm doing or thinking for/of someone else to brighten up their day. Visiting from SITS!

  7. Wendy, what a wonderful list! I like myself more when I have sleep as well and when I'm keeping my eye (heart, soul, and mind) focused in the right place.

  8. What a cool idea! I like myself more when I spend time with God. When I cook dinner for my husband. When I get Brogan to laugh. And when I have an excellent writing day. :)

  9. T. Anne, chocolate works too! :D

    Luisa, but would you sub it for anything? Tea, perhaps?

    Elizabeth, your blog post moved me to comment.

    Jody, thank you for that laugh. I wish I had the PMS's been one of those days.

    Joanne, enjoying family is a good one too.

    Dorkys, okay I had fun just writing that. I find when I'm doing for others, I'm less caught up in myself. That's always a good thing.

    Cindy, which begs the question for me, how do *you* keep your eye, heart, soul and mind focused?

    Katie, cooking dinner--nice one. I enjoying cooking as well! I can imagine Brogan's laugh...that age is priceless! A good writing day does make me like myself more and my God for being willing to pour anything into me.

    Every time you respond, I soak it in! You all add to my day!

    Signing off for today,
    ~ Wendy

  10. Great list! I have to agree. I like myself more, when it's less about me, and more about Him. :D

  11. I love this, Wendy! I think I will write a list of when I like myself more on my blog tomorrow! : ) Of course, I will credit you for your creative genius!

  12. when ... I’m reading my Bible ... out of thirst for relationship

    Whoa! I absolutely love reading my Bible. But I sure don't do it for relationship as often as I do out of habit. You'll have me thinking on this one a while. I think I need to pursue my first Love.

  13. Danyelle, that was my favorite one.

    Kristen, can't wait to read it. Creative genius, you are funny!

    Anne L.B., I like myself more when I do it for the relationship. I've learned a lot from authors like Donald Miller and Francis Chan (Crazy Love). They've reminded me of the relationship part--the best part of faith!

    ~ Wendy

  14. So glad you stopped by Wendy! Thank you for the comment. It's encouraging and I appreciate your kind words very much!
    I loved so many of the thoughts you listed, but probably my favorite one is "I’m reading my Bible not out of obligation, but out of thirst for relationship." Girl, you are so right and I keep trying to help the girls in bible study know that's the most important reason why we do read His word. His word gives our lives meaning and purpose. I would say another time I like myself more is when I’m not being selfish and giving of my time, my abilities or my heart. It’s truly God working through His Spirit in those moments!!
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  15. Can I ponder upon this and answer tomorrow ;)

  16. Love your list - thanks for sharing!!! :-)


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