Monday, February 13, 2017

Greetings from Edit Land

I’m immersed in revisions. And this is a good thing. There’s nothing quite like having direction and running with it. I like to joke that entering a season of editing closely compares to visiting a famous hotel in California. You can check in any time you like, but you can never leave. At least it feels that way. I’ve frequented my novel a lot in my dreams lately. Ideas for plot changes filter through conversations. Even in the midst of a fairly significant life transition my family is going through, I still find myself hacking through details in my book. It feels glorious. It’s not that I love editing. I don’t particularly enjoy coming across ridiculous mistakes I’ve made, slashing chapters, disappearing characters, or the laborious task of reimagining entire sections of my book.

But I do love working toward improvement. I’m all in when it comes to that.

If I’m a little quiet on social media you’ll understand why.

I’m playing Edit Twister

or coaching my dog how to tackle edits on the days my brain is mush.

*posting again on Feb. 27th.

1 comment:

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