Monday, January 23, 2017

Cover Hunting

Among a slew of other things keeping me busy lately, I’ve been spending time online cover hunting. 

I’m excited to share that I plan to release another full-length novel next fall. There’s a lot that goes into the process of building a book. Edits, marketing, and book design to name a few, but one of my favorite tasks involved with the creation of a book is selecting a picture that evokes the exact mood I’m going for in my novel.

This can take months.

I’ve enjoyed throwing some ideas out at my cover designer. She has a real eye for what works and what doesn’t and I’ve thoroughly appreciated collaborating with her on my other books.

As the date inches closer, you can expect to receive more details about this new book. For the time being, I’ll leave you with a teaser. I’m having a blast searching for a cover that exudes both an enigmatic and alluring appeal.

Any book covers catch your eye lately? What was it about them that grabbed your attention? 

*In need of a break. See you again on February 6th!

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