Friday, January 18, 2013

Moving Thoughts Friday

Every Friday I’m going to ask a question. The questions I choose might be ambiguous on purpose. The goal is to have you answer the question according to your beliefs, where you’re at in life or a circumstance that might have recently impacted you. The only thing I ask is that you provide an explanation for why you answered the way you did.

It’s my hope to understand you better through this and also to gain a greater understanding of humanity and how people make decisions.

Jump in before you second-guess yourself or wait until you’re sure?

*photos by stock.XCHNG


  1. I'm more cautious when it comes to big decisions, but if it's something small (like buying something), I typically jump in more quickly. :)

  2. Oh I tend to do both. As I grow older, I lean more toward waiting until I'm sure--through prayer. But occasionally, I still jump in.

  3. I take painfully long to make decisions--maybe that's not always good. But I wait until I'm sure in most all things.

  4. Ummmm ... let me think about this for a minute ...

    And there you have my answer.

  5. It depends on the circumstance. When it comes to writing, waiting is always better. I almost never leave a piece unchanged when I go back to it. Strange how something that seems like such a great piece the night before is sadly lacking when viewed the next morning!

    However, when it comes to people, sometimes jumping in is best. Is it the Holy Spirit prompting me? That's really the question. So I think, "Can God be glorified if I say or do this? Will He be revealed through my actions?" It's a great litmus test for me.

  6. Oh I'm so...both. There are times when I just know if I don't act, I'll second guess myself and so I act. Actually, a lot of the bigger decisions in my life I've made that way--picking up and moving to a new town, taking a new job, buying a car, it's all been that way. But then it's the small, dumb stuff that I'll take forever deciding on...wanting to be sure about...

  7. It depends on what it is. If I am purchasing clothes, I have to go through a 'filter' and give it some thought. Unless, it is something that really strikes my fancy. When I go to a new restaurant, I have to study the menu to see what they have. It just depends on the circumstances. I'll say I do one or the other.

  8. Both! If it's something I'm really passionate about, I tend to jump right in which is probably not the best way of going about doing it.

  9. I have to agree with those who said, "both." If I'm on unfamiliar territory, I use caution. The one area where I jumped right in - and I don't advise this - my husband and I were engaged after a VERY short courtship. We both knew we were meant for each other.


Taking Time

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