Monday, July 16, 2012

Somebody Has Been Writing in My Spot

Just wanted to show you what one of my wee ones propped up in my writing chair. Now that’s gotta to be one elephant tale that blue guy is cranking out. Ba dum dum.

Do you have a fun I found ___________ in my ______________ story to share?

*I find it a little ironic the WIP I’m entrenched in has a lot to do with memory & my wee one chose an elephant to hop up in my spot. Hmmm.


  1. This goes to show that God loves a little irony.
    In my WIP, my hero is obsessed with Darjeeling tea. From India. My hero is an Indian.

    I thought it was fun to mess with people's heads.
    One line is "our family loves Indian tea".

    1. Yes, it is fun to mess with people's heads. ;-)

      I love all kinds of teas.
      ~ Wendy

  2. Love the picture, so cute! Haven't found any elephants at my desk, but it is only Monday. :)

    Have a great week,

    1. Never know what surprises the rest of the week holds. Might find a playtapus in your pocketbook.
      ~ Wendy

  3. I found my cell phone in the fridge once. Wish I could blame it on the dog or my son, but I'm pretty sure I'm just flighty like that.

    1. Maybe you were calling for a pizza? I know, wicked eh? Try to control your laughter.

    2. I give you full permission to blame it on the dog.

  4. I have found my socks in strange locations because my dog likes to take them from my room...

    1. Aw, cute. I've lost socks numerous times in that space vortex I like to call the dryer.

  5. Hilarious!!

    I find coffee cups and pop cans in crazy places...I'm forever losing beverages. My favorite--when I found my coffee cup sitting in the bathtub. No explanation.

    1. Was it full? Subliminal message to yourself it was time for a bath?

  6. So cute! I found my keys in the top drawer of my writing desk. (They never belong there.) It was the kid's first day of school and I had to call my mom to pick them up because I couldn't find those keys for the life of me. Like Katie, I have to claim flightiness for that one. :)

    1. Gotta love how this happens more and more as we age. :D

  7. Okay, I totally missed the ball on that....

    I once found a long lost relative at a church picnic.
    I once found a bucket of ice cream in the microwave.
    I once found a container of milk in the cupboard.I once found my brain...
    but I haven't since then.

    1. You are my kind of funny!

      You wouldn't believe who I've found on FB. I've been viewing h.s. friend's photos and seen cousins I haven't seen in years. It's a wildly small world sometimes.

    2. The long lost relative's side of my dad's family had been "lost" for 150-200 YEARS.
      2 brothers left Turkey, came to Gaza. One brother went on to Egypt. Family lost contact...
      My hub and I were at a church picnic, he thought the dark skinned peeps were Mexican, I said "Nope, they're Arabs".

      Pastor introduces us to them, "This is Elias and Elizabeth Zarifeh"
      Me: NO WAY!"
      Elias :(very, very offended) "You have a problem with my name?"
      Me: "Zarifeh is my maiden name!"
      Elias: "NO WAY!!"

      When my parents came to visit, dad and cuz joined their respective family trees and put 200 years of Zarfiehs back on the same page.

  8. Aw, cute!! Don't you wish that elephant knew how to revise? Ha!

    1. Yeah, I'd give him one elephant-sized task, that's for sure!

  9. My husband is notoriously absentminded and he's forever misplacing things. One time, when we were still newlyweds, he came out of the bathroom and asked me where his toothbrush was. I hadn't seen it, so I went in to look for it. We had no children or pets at the time, so it was either him, me or a boogie man who'd moved it. Since I don't make it a habit to touch his toothbrush...

    After looking through the whole bathroom he opened a new toothbrush and used it, then went into his closet to get dressed. And where do you think he found the toothbrush? In his closet! In his absentmindedness he must have rinsed the toothbrush and kept it in his hand, then laid it down in the closet! :) I still tease him about it.

    I've found the strangest things all over my house because of that man!

    1. Sadly, I do stuff like that ALL the time. It's like a treasure hunt really.

  10. The night my husband proposed, he hid the ring box in the bottom of a box of cherry chocolates. When he took it out, he was shaking so badly, the box tumbled around in his hands for a few seconds before he opened it.
    When he did, we both stared at the empty, white satin lining of the box--no ring was inside.
    I remembered as he was retrieving the ring box, something had bounced off my thigh. As he stared dumbfounded at the empty box, I wedged my hands between the cushions of the couch and found my engagement ring.
    I held it up and grinned at him. "Is this what you're looking for?"
    We still laugh about the night I had to find the ring before he could propose.

  11. That's cute! I found my hairbrush in the refrigerator once. That's just gross, and I really must have been distracted to put it in there :)

  12. So funny!

    My kids are goofs sometimes. If I would leave my chair while writing, I would sometimes find a new paragraph that I had not written, when I returned. They had clever little minds...

    1. How cool. Little writers at heart. My daughter writes poems for me all the time and leaves them all over the house for me to find. They haven't written on one of my WIPs yet. Hope I catch it when/if they do.

  13. Corn. I've been finding little kernels of popcorn everywhere. The kids thought it would be funny. The latest place was in my sock and they even put one in the liquid soap dispenser in the bathroom. They're nothing, if not thorough.

    1. Sheer excellence! I love your children. This cracks me up!
      ~ Wendy

  14. Okay, I've been running like crazy today. No time to get around to blogs. VBS, horseback riding, play practice. Oy.

    Breathe. Ah, that's better. Finally a moment to sit to write & now off to edit.

    Thanks for playing today. I enjoyed reading your funny stories!
    ~ Wendy

  15. Aw, too cute. Poor yellow and blue horse (sheep?)... Was he demoted to foot-rest status?

  16. So cute and imaginative!

    When I had cats, they liked to drop their stuffed toys and wiffle balls in my shoes.

  17. nice article,glad to be here... keep posting..


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