Friday, June 22, 2012

Moving Thoughts Friday

Every Friday I’m going to ask a question. The questions I choose might be ambiguous on purpose. The goal is to have you answer the question according to your beliefs, where you’re at in life or a circumstance that might have recently impacted you. The only thing I ask is that you provide an explanation for why you answered the way you did.

It’s my hope to understand you better through this and also to gain a greater understanding of humanity and how people make decisions.

You meet up with a friend you haven’t seen in twenty years. As soon as you find her seated in the restaurant she slides you a note. It’s translated:

I’ve lost all recognition of the English language. But please, tell me about your life.

How would you respond?

*photos by stock.XCHNG


  1. Wow, this is a tough one! I think I would smile and show pictures of my loved ones.

    Btw, I always love seeing the pictures on these posts and trying to guess what the question will be. You surprise me every time. Love your creativity. :)

  2. A hug to express love. A quick prayer to evidence my faith. A smile to show joy even in tough times. A grasp of the hand to confirm I care.

  3. A hug to express love. A quick prayer to evidence my faith. A smile to show joy even in tough times. A grasp of the hand to confirm I care.

  4. How do you come up with these??

    Love this one!

    I would cross my eyes and make my hair stick up (because life has been frazzled/insanely busy this week), then I would smile, because despite the craziness, it's all gooooood.

  5. I'd sing her a song. Because music is an international language...even if she didn't understand the words, she'd understand the heart behind it.

  6. I would speak in tongues, then ask the Holy Spirit to interpret to her. I'd also show her photos of my family, and draw many pictures on the placemat.

    I love Lindsay's answer!

  7. Definitely a cool question!

    I'd greet her with a hug, then break out the pictures. After all, a photo is worth a thousand words.

  8. I have NO idea! I'd probably try to draw something, then I'd laugh at how bad the drawing turned out, and we'd end up grinning at each other!

  9. First, I'd hug her - could you imagine what it would be like to lose all recognition of the English language? Poor thing. (I'm wondering how she managed to write a note in English that I'd be able to read...but I digress). I'd show her pictures of my family (I need to update those) and then I'd probably try to communicate with signs and actions. This happens to me every two years when I see my friends from France - and especially when I go there - we end up communicating with signs and actions. It's amazing how much you can communicate this way, but it's exhausting!

  10. Wow, I must be emotional because that struck me with tears.
    I'd have to whip out my phone and show her my pictures. :)

  11. A picture's worth a thousand words ...

  12. I have to go with the above answers because they're perfect. A life in pictures.

  13. Smile, pull out my iPhone, and flip through pictures with her. :)

  14. This is horrible, but the storyteller in me would hunger for the story of how she lost all recognition. :)

    And then I'd buy what is hopefully her favorite coffee and like others have said, pull out my phone and go through pictures.

    While, admittedly, probably composing a new story in my head.

  15. Pictures, pantomime, and drawings. :D

  16. I'd try American Sign Language, which is understood all over the world, amongst other sign languages. Then Spanish and French. And if those didn't work, along comes the pencil and drawing paper.

    Good question!!!

  17. Before I looked at the comments, a hug was my first thought.


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