Monday, November 28, 2011

The Many Faces of Jealousy (Part One)

Jealousy. We all feel it. The writing industry is ripe with opportunities to become jealous. I’ve bumped into plenty of posts that have addressed ol’ emerald eyes, but I plan to shed light on something I haven’t come across—jealousy sprung to action. Jealousy without its mask.

In a two part exploration, I intend to delve right into the heart (or should I say face?) of this prevalent beast. I’m going to detail common ways people behave when jealousy has got their tongue.

Pity Me Pout
I Gotta Be Me Grin
Protective Possum Pose
Copycat Calculated Wink
Blabbering Blubberer
Bitter Overbite
Self-doubting Shy Guy
Sneering Slanderer

On Wednesday, I’ll decode the eight faces above. We’ll unmask this beast together. I hope you’ll join me.

(As a side, I discuss topics like this not only because human behavior fascinates me to no end, but because such knowledge helps me better understand my characters…and let’s be honest here, myself better.)

*Excited to share who All “I”s are on today! (mid-morning)
**photo by flickr


  1. Your creativity intrigues me! I can't wait for Wednesday...

  2. Love how you've named them and look forward to Wednesday! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving weekend. :)

  3. I'm looking forward to your next post, Wendy. With names like you've given the responses to jealousy, I know the descriptions are going to be awesome and your advice for dealing with "green eyes" enlightening.

  4. Jealousy is so ugly when displayed for all to see, yet we all battle it at times. Look forward to your posts, Wendy.

  5. Already recognize myself in a couple of these (Pity Me Pout). :) Looking forward to Wednesday!

  6. It's in every industry, and all walks of life. I guess the best we can do is let it motivate us, in some way, to be and do our best ...

  7. Love these names! Pity Me Pout and Self Doubting Shy Guy have my attention. Will tune in on Wednesday!

  8. I seriously can't wait for this! Love the names you have for each one. I know I'm completely guilty of feeling jealous at different times on this writing journey.

  9. Looking forward to your thoughts!

  10. Ooo, I'm looking forward to Wednesday's post! Not that I'm ever jealous or anything (ahem!!)... ;)

  11. Looking forward to tackling this bad boy with you all.

    My latest project is finding a pinapple for my front door & painting my laminate countertops to look like granite. I guess my visit to my mom's turned me all Martha Stewart or something.

    Thankful each of you have helped make this a safe place to discuss such nasty things as jealousy.

    ~ Wendy

  12. Can't wait for Wednesday's post! Is it bad I'm jealous of your creative names for jealousy? LOL

  13. nice post! thanks for sharing... God bless you...

  14. You have some great descriptions already!

  15. Can't wait to read the breakdown!! No doubt I'll be fascinated...and convicted!

  16. Very intriguing--looking forward to the breakdown too!

  17. Human behavior, body language, etc. fascinates me as well. Oh, to see into people's minds! A truly gifted writer makes the reader feel exactly what the characters are feeling. Your idea to delve into the many of faces of jealousy sounds like a great idea to hone your skills. Can't wait to read what you come up with!


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