Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Hotel-style

Forget that the picture is super small. Forget that I'm in a hotel when I should be trick-or-treating with my kiddos in another state (not happening there b/c of fallen power lines). Forget that my husband and one daughter got smacked by a truck today (they are both okay) and I had to witness the whole nasty collision from a few cars back. Forget that we've been without power for days and I'm feeling like I have no more marbles to lose...I'm alive. I'm here. And I finally got this post in.

Happy Birthday to me! I'll see you when I see you (no idea when power is expected to come back...could be days). Days...ha! (And yes, I will be having wine with my dinner tonight.)

And we will be roaming the halls in our Star Wars costumes. Yes, yes we will! Halloween hotel-style. This is how I roll on my b-day when I've gone w/out power for days.

*photo by flickr


  1. Ah Wendy! You poor lady! Hang in there. You'll get through this and realize it was just motivation for a new novel scene. One with LOTS of conflict. :)

  2. Wendy:
    This will make a section of the "Miller Family Annals." I'll be praying for you and the family to get through all this.

  3. Oh, My!!! This will be a Halloween to remember! I'm so glad your family is okay.

    I hope you get power restored quickly, and that you're able to be home soon.

    Have a happy birthday, in spite of the circs.

  4. Wendy, I'm so sorry about the accident. How scary to watch it happen. I'm thankful your hubby and daughter are OK.

    I'm sad you're dealing with a power outage and being stuck in a hotel on your birthday. I hope you're home soon with power restored.

  5. Oh my gosh, Wendy!! *hugs, hugs, hugs*
    This is both horrible and a great adventure. I'm SOOOOO glad your fam is okay. I think I would've freaked out. :-(
    You need more *hugs*

  6. Wendy, I'm so glad your hubby and your daughter are okay! You sure know how to celebrate your birthday :) Star Wars rules! Happy Birthday!

  7. That actually sounds like a lot of fun! Make lemonade! Happy Birthday Wendy!!! Sorry things are so chaotic.

  8. Craziness! I'm glad your family is okay after the accident! Hope you get back home soon!

  9. glad to hear all is well .. relatively.. yes, make lemonade.. might as well.. and, happy November now! cheers :)

  10. Oh, girl! Prayin for you!!! Glad to hear hubs and daughter are fine! And i definitely think you deserve the glass of wine! hang in there!!

  11. Oh, girl! Prayin for you!!! Glad to hear hubs and daughter are fine! And i definitely think you deserve the glass of wine! hang in there!!

  12. Oh no! Most unusual birthday ever?? I'm soooo sorry you're without power and that you had to witness the accident. Thank the good Lord they are okay.

    Big hugs to you--hope everything is normal soon!

  13. What a crazy Halloween! Hope your power is back on soon. Glad to hear your family is okay!

  14. Happy Birthday Wendy! I love you whatever attitude. Sometimes rolling with the punches is the perfect solution.

  15. Oh, My goodness Wendy! What a mess, but so glad your family is all ok. Hope by now the power is back! (hugs)

  16. Someday, a very l-o-n-g time from now, you'll look back on this Halloween and say, "Hey, remember that time I spent my birthday in a hotel and we had to trick-or-treat there? Yeah, that was ______." (Insert word of choice.)
    Love ya, girl! Hope y'all get power soon!

  17. This is what my niece calls, "making a memory." Praying you'll soon have power and be back in your own home.

  18. Oh my gosh, how crazy! I'm glad your husband and daughter are okay!! Hope you enjoyed that wine and can get home soon!

    My prayers are with you guys!


  19. Wendy, my friend,
    I'm weighing in late (yeah, it's been that kind of week--only yours has been way-more of that kind of week than mine has been!)
    Hope you are finding normal again. And that it includes electricity. And everyone home. And enjoying one another.
    Well, it sounds like your family enjoys one another no matter where you are.

  20. Hi Wendy, I hope you and your family are all doing okay ... What a nightmare this week has been. Heck, yesterday the Main Street Dunkin Donuts ran out of FOOD!! All they had was coffee. We got our electricity restored yesterday, mid afternoon. I was actually at the library using the internet there when my daughter called me to let me know.

    Hope your power is on and normal life resumes soon ...

  21. I hope you managed to have a joyous birthday, despite all the hardships (and I sure am glad your husband and daughter are okay). My parents and sister in MA just got power back today (Saturday), so it's been a long haul for them. I hope yours is back on and you can really celebrate with style sometime soon!


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