Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Birthday Poem

It’s my daughter’s birthday today so I promised her I’d post something she wrote. She selected the following poem and added a kickin’ endorsement to boot.


Cars zoom past me when I hop on the silver spoon steps. I sit down to think but then I hear children shouting like angry bears. The sun shines on my face as lightly as a firefly. The sun is warm yellow on babies. Doors open with a little creek. I saw that my sisters ran out the wooden door to play in the soft hot sand. I can see my best friend slide down the light yellow slide.
By B. Miller
My mom’s books are the best. I hope she gets published and I’m writing some books myself. I love my mom and I want to be a writer just like her.
(Better than a politician and a baby!)

*left grammar alone
**I love my daughter. She’s a remarkable girl and I’m proud of her.

Anyone you’re proud of?


  1. Such a happy-making poem! I see a bright future ahead for both of you.

    I'm proud of my sister for sticking things out when she's got a wire attaching her body to the wall behind her and can't leave her bed. Cannot even imagine!

  2. What a wonderful poem! Happy birthday to your talented little girl!

  3. I love her poem! Happy birthday to her:)

  4. Tell her Happy Birthday! It's a lovely poem.

  5. What a sweetie -- and she's definitely a writer, just like her mom!

    [sorry my google account is messed up -- this is Michelle DeRusha @ Graceful -- in case you were wondering!]

  6. I love it! I think your daughter and my daughter would be great pals.

  7. Happy birthday, Miss B! I hope you have a wonderful celebration of your special day.

    Thanks for letting your mom share your poem. I was very impressed with your work. You have oodles of talent--and at such a young age. Wow!

    And Miss B, I just have to say this. You ARE a writer, and a very talented one at that. Clearly, talent runs in your family.

  8. I LOVE this! One, your daughter is gorgeous like her mama. And two, a writer in the making!

    Also, I agree with her endorsement. :)

  9. Thank you for commenting on the poem. I'm having a spledid birthday. Again thanks so much. B.

  10. She is a gifted writer, just like her Mom! I love this, her colorful words are remarkable. Wow.

    Happy Birthday!

  11. She's got real talent! I'm going to read this to my DD and hopefully inspire her. BTW< I think you are a brilliant writer too. I can see that just from your blog posts. =)

  12. Oh, Happy, Happy Birthday! She is a doll and I love that poem. Wow. I wish I could "poem" like that!

    Give her a birthday hug from me. :)

  13. Great poem! Such vivid similes :) It makes me want summer. Happy Birthday!!!

  14. Sarah, I'm still praying hard for your sister.

    Julie, Thanks. She was so excited to be a part of the post today.

    Kara, I love it, too!

    Susan, We did just that a million times over.

    Hi Michelle, Thanks for explaining who you are! Love knowing you swung by!

    Rosslyn, You know they'd tear it up just like we are going to when you visit! ;)

    Keli, She was blown away by your words, Keli. You have a remarkable gift of uplifting others!

    Katie, You know when everything else gets me down, it moves me to read words like she wrote. Sort of a reminder of a key role I play.

    Tamika, You'd swear yellow was her favorite color, but she's a pink girl.

    T., Thanks lady! You've been a real friend.

    Karen, Wish I could poem like that too.

    Cindy, Yep, I'm with you on the vivid similes.

    My favorite line is "the sun is warm yellow on babies." It brings me back to 9 years ago today when I sat in the hallway where I could find light to stream down on my jaundiced babe. I pray I'm guiding them right. I love being a mom. It energizes me and I learn so much from my girls.

    Thanks for making my B.'s b-day! I'm convinced she could easily get as addicted to blogging as I am. She kept wanting to thank each of you individually. The girl is all heart. Okay, enough of me gushing.

    Sleep dreaming of the firefly, warm yellow sun.
    ~ Wendy

  15. I love it!! Congratulations, Miss Writer! And Happy Birthday!!

    My 10yo wrote an essay about me for school this week. I'm posting it on my blog one of these days. She does NOT want to be an author though, she says. :)

  16. Hello Wendy's daughter! You have a beautiful mommy, and you are just like her. Keep writing. When I was your age, I liked to write too. I think you have a gift. Pray that God will use it. We need strong girls like you for future generations of readers.

    God bless you, and happy birthday!

  17. Belated happy birthday to you, Miss Wendy's daughter.

    What a wonderful treat to be able to read your writing on your mom's blog. I'm a teacher so I read lots of writing. I'm very impressed by your observation skills and how you use them to create such a vivid picture of the scene.

    If you haven't read this book - Writing Magic: Creating Stories that Fly - you might want to check it out. It's written by Gail Carson Levine (author of Ella Enchanted) and it's a book for young people about writing. My students really enjoy it and I think a writer like you might also.

    Hope you had a happy happy birthday.

  18. Who am I proud of? Why you! of course!


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