Friday, July 16, 2010

One Question Friday

Every Friday I’m going to ask a question. The questions I choose might be ambiguous on purpose. The goal is to have you answer the question according to your beliefs, where you’re at in life or a circumstance that might have recently impacted you. The only thing I ask is that you provide an explanation for why you answered the way you did.

It is my hope to understand you better through this and also to gain a greater understanding of humanity and how people make decisions.

How old are you? (Feel free to get creative with your answer.)

*photos by flickr
**I’ll be like a frog on blogger next week, hopping on and off…mostly off.


  1. Old enough to finally met myself on the road to where I am going. Old enough to look myself in the mirror and say, "I like you. I really do." Trust me, that took a lot of growing up :)

  2. Hmmmm, lol. Sometimes sixteen, sometimes sixty.

  3. 39..... somedays it feels older, some younger.... :O)

  4. I think I am older than my age.

  5. Old enough to know that I can still learn. I don;t know everything and old enough to still feel like a child inside most of the time:))

  6. Inside? Twenty-two. Outside? Let's not go there! :)

  7. My body says 54; my heart is timeless.

    I love your questions! You stretch me; thanks.

  8. I've experienced so much excruciating physical pain. Although I am doing well now, it has aged the inner me. When I look at my pics, though, I think 53? It's proof the Lord kept me sheltered in His wing while the pain raged.

  9. Inside I feel like I'm between 23 and 26. However, when I was that age I wasn't comfortable in my own skin. Now, I am very comfortable with the woman God made me, even though my neck skin is beginning to feel a little loose. :) So, if I'm 23 on the inside, and yet pleased with who I am (which usually happens to women in their 40's) I'd say I'm 30. Right in the middle. :)

  10. 31~ and thankful to have entered an insightful season of maturing. Thank you Jesus!

  11. As Sandra Cisneros explains in her short story "Eleven," I'm a compilation of every age that I've ever been. So I'm 55 ages, sometimes stomping my foot like a two-year-old, and sometimes being surprised with my 55-year-old yielding to the Holy Spirit and letting Him give wise advice.

    Fun, fun, fun, girl. You go!!!

  12. I'm at the midway point between 20 and 40. Yep, a new decade welcomed me in 2009.

  13. I just turned 30--ready to get serious about not being so serious and realize my dreams have been hanging out long enough. I'm ready to go for it!

  14. I'm 29.95 plus shipping and handling.


  15. Interesting question, Wendy. I feel like I'm still 18 on the inside, but then my body informs me I'm a tad older. :)

  16. Do you mean in dog years, human, feel-like...? Getting up there, but my mind ignores it. :P

  17. Wendy:
    Some days I feel 94. Others, I feel 34. But actually I am 64. Arthur and his family make me feel older than I really am. When they are all silent, I feel a whole lot younger.

  18. well 38 technically, 39 next week.

    I feel too old to be where I am in life. Starting over...sigh. It's not that old right? LOL

    Thanks for hanging out at my place....even when I'm not even there LOL. I have posted something new though :)

  19. 50.

    I don't have the creative answers some of the others did. Enjoyed reading them.

  20. I am the same age as Jack Benny. Ask me again next year and I'll tell you the same. Have a great weekend.

    Stephen Tremp

  21. I am 42 years old and I am loving it. I just wrote a blog myself about how I came into to loving my adulthood. For so long I felt like a college aged girl...but now I feel like a grown woman. Not just because I am older and I have accepted my responsibilities. I feel like a grown woman because I have come to the place where I live the way I love without apology.

    I am happy in my own skin, ok with the fact that I am not perfect but always striving to be better, and I am living the life I always wanted (although it looks a little different from what I originally planned. As a result, the spirit of our home is changing and we are all loving life more!


  22. I was born again nearly 23 years ago at age 25, and I haven't aged a day since then.

  23. This is what I say to my face when I get a pimple. You can't decide - teenager or old lady. I'm 42, but living like I'm in my 30's!

  24. Ugh, this is like the worst question to ask me. I have a thing about age and birthdays. I don't like them at all! For me age is nothing more than a countdown to not living up to my parents (an my own) expectations for marriage and children.

    I'm sad to say that I'm in my mid 20's and feel like I react to age like I'm going through a midlife crisis....

    But you asked! LOL

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  26. The real me just turned 49, but the inside me feels more like 25:)

  27. I feel ageless. Is that even fair to say? I have an old soul and I spend lots of time with the Lord in my brain each day. It's an ethereal age and I'm not sure it can be quantified in numbers.

  28. I'm 38 years young. Every single day God teaches me that I have so much more to learn! Life truly is an adventure in Him.

  29. I am older than my age. The things I have experienced throughout my life have aged me beyond my years. And I have done many things early in my life that others wait to do. Great question.

  30. 33! And I deserve every day of it. :o) It always shocks me when teens I know view me as old, though, because I feel like I'm not that much older than they are.

    Great to find your blog! :o)

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  32. My body is 39, my face is 30 and my mind is 18. LOL!!

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  34. I am 30. "Right on the nose, exactly 30?" as a new friend put it the other day. "You're just a baby."
    Yes 30. I love 30. I was so excited to turn 30 that I had a 30 day countdown celebration on my blog. I feel like a real adult now. All through my twenties I felt like a kid, even though I had children myself, and a husband, and a job and responsibilities. I felt like no one would take me seriously because I was so young. So, finally 30, I feel like I've finally entered the world of maturity I've been seeking since I was 15.
    Also, while my best friend rued the day she turned 30, because it felt like the beginning of old age, I am just the opposite. I am healthy and could easily live another 50 to 70 years. I'm just at the beginning! Oh 30, how I love thee!

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  36. My biological age is 31. But in many ways I feel I am older as I have always felt like an old soul, as I say that I also feel like I was just born. I know you know some of my history and I was give a second chance at life and living it to the fullest. So I was literally reborn so to speak. I wouldn't have thought life would have changed in the ways that it has but I feel God wanted me to learn from this experience how to truly value every second of the life I have and how to love fully where I am not sure that I knew how to do that before.

    I am so glad that I have you as a friend and that I have refound your blog seeing as how I stayed away from the internet for a bit, hiding or protecting myself from things I didn't want to know, see or handle with my husband having a girlfriend... ugg but that's life and I can either play the hand dealt to me or get up and leave the game... no way am I ever gonna leave the game again.

  37. I'm 48, but I've been 49 for a very long time. I'm hoping to get younger.


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