I’ve been thinking on something lately. It’s mysterious. It’s beautiful. It’s uplifting and inspiring and I’m equally confused by it as I am grateful for it. I’ve been thinking of the recent development of online friends in my life. I hesitate to even write about this because I know there are varying opinions about just how close you can get with someone you’ve never met in person.
To that I’d reply, “But something is going on here.”
My blogging friends remind me of Stonehenge. Why Stonehenge? First I’ll provide you with some details about the stones, and then I’ll hopefully make the connection for you as it occurred to me. Stonehenge is prehistoric monument—a grouping of thirty-some larger than human-sized stones erected between 3,000 BC and 1,600 BC. They form a circular pattern, with the single tallest stone in the middle. They are believed to be a plot of land where people came to worship or find sanctuary. Some stones rest in horizontal layers above two vertical stones. I love the mystery of the monument.
The parallel I find between Stonehenge and my blogging friends is one of deep connection and understanding. Many of these friends are as passionate about writing as I am and therefore pour their hearts into it knowing full well they may or may not be published. I’m inspired by so many posts I read daily. I find myself clicking on blogs like Anne’s to be reminded as I get caught up in the writing and marketing process, who and what is really important. One of her posts recently had me in tears and I felt overwhelmingly close to God after reading it. She mentors me through her writing more than she’ll ever know.
Recently, I’ve felt such a bond with some fellow bloggers it baffles me. I wish I could name every single one of them, but I am sure I will in time (you know who you are). I rejoice with friends who’ve gotten “the call” from an agent. I bond with those who are going to be featured in the same publications as me. I empathize with those who are caring for an elderly parent or who have lost someone close to them recently. I'm delighted I've found a critique group of blogging friends. Some blog posts from these friends have me cracking up, while I tear up after reading others. Somehow I’ve let these people in and I’m oddly comforted by that. They’ve changed my life, uplifted me and left me inexplicably grateful and filled with a deeper sense of connection.
Finally, the similarity between Stonehenge and my newfound blogging friends that stands out most to me is that one single tallest stone in the middle. I’m most drawn to people who are willing to be honest, those who risk enough to be vulnerable and authentic and I’m attracted to those who know what the stone in the middle represents.
~~Why don’t you have a go at it—what does that single stone in the middle represent in your life? What is it about that stone that attracts me and what do you think that stone represents for me and many of my blogging friends?
May you have a peaceful and reflective Memorial Day! Feel free to hop over to this blog to see what I wrote about the beauty of sacrifice.
*photo by Flickr
Wendy, that was a beautiful post. It's so interesting to me that you wrote about this topic because it's something I've been thinking on lately as well. It's quite wonderful and intriguing but unusual (in a good way) at the same time. I feel such support from my blogging friends and am excited to share my news with them, just as I am excited to hear their news. I can bond with them in a unique way I am unable to with those tangibly present in my life, mostly about writing but about other things as well.
ReplyDeleteI am so happy to have met you during this journey and am excited to hear more as your journey in writing continues.
I hope our connection is Christ and how we look to Him when we write.
ReplyDeleteI'm amazed too at the relationships I've been blessed to make through blogging. Being able to openly share about my writer's journey with others who are going through the same thing and understand me --means a whole lot! I'm excited to be part of this new critique group too and to see how God uses us in each others dreams!
Lovely post. For me, the biggest stone is God. Then my family and friends, one shorter stone on either side. :D
ReplyDeleteThere's something for you here: http://myth-takes.blogspot.com/ :D
Great post! The stone in the middle... God. Jesus. Yaweh (did I spell that right?) I just wish I did a better job of focusing my attention on the stone in the middle.
ReplyDeleteThis online community has been such a blessing, Wendy! Thanks for being part of that!
Hi Wendy...thanks for stopping by my blog - and after poking around YOUR blog a bit, I believe we have a lot in common too (the fact that you have Sting AND U2 playing on your blog and you quote C.S. Lewis makes me think we'd be BFF...lol). Thanks for your encouraging words, it's always nice to know SOMEONE is reading.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post! I want to say the stone in the middle is my FAITH...without it, the rest would come crashing down.
Best wishes on your journeys in publishing. I'm attempting a novel myself, but am focused on the writing right now...which brings me to my next question...how did you find your critique group? I'm interested in finding one myself, but not sure how to go about it. Would love your input.
Blessings to you...and I'll be back :)
Wendy, when I think of any center, I'm always drawn to God. He is the Creator of all after all. Wouldn't it be neat if someone way back then had faith the size of a mustard seed to ask God for Stonehenge's creation so they could worship Him there. You just never know.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm with you on the blogging friends. There really is something wonderful and very concrete about a group who supports one another and rejoices and mourns with one another so freely and selflessly.
Great post!
Cindy, I love how God stirs in the minds of His children. I am thankful to have met YOU on this journey as well!
ReplyDeleteTerri, I like how you worded that our connection is Christ and we look to Him when we write...the wording of that was cool. I'm excited for the group as well!!!
Danyelle, He is our rock after all, isn't He? Thank you for the blog award. I'll post it with gratitude on my blog soon.
Katie, thank you for including me in it. A blessing indeed. Just reading the word Yahweh made me smile.
Beth, too many questions to cover here...certainly wanting to know about your novel, am loving the faith rock is the one in the middle and was wigging out to see your Coldplay pictures on your blog - HOW COOL!
Eileen, no matter what the original purpose of Stonehenge was all about...I've found He leads me to take anything in life...anything and find ways to have it point back to Him. Either He leads me or it just happens due to my faith (hmm...need to think on this more-am having a dialogue w/ self...). Thanks for the kind words!
Thank you for the impression you leave on me!
~ Wendy
Wendy, Our blogging friendships truly can be as solid as rocks. As writers on this difficult journey, I think we need each other even more than perhaps other types of friendships. It would be too easy to get discouraged and give up if we didn't have one another to lean on for advice and encouragement, through both highs and lows. What an awesome blessing from the Lord we can be to each other!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful post today. That tall stone, for me, represents faith, in so many ways. We certainly need it to continue on our journey. And travelling this road making wonderful online friends along the way who only strengthen that faith with their own, in us, makes the stone even stronger.
ReplyDeleteOn Christ the Solid Rock we stand...
ReplyDeleteYour post is a great reminder of why we blog, the sense of community out here in this wide-open world where we're linked by keyboards and computer screens. And it's a reminder of the fact that there is no one, NO ONE, who would be capable of connecting us all, except for Christ.
Clinging to the rock,
Wendy, I'm richly blessed to think I mentor to you through my blog. It doesn't matter if I know how much, because you drawing close to the Lord is what's important. He knows.
ReplyDeleteEighteen months ago I would not have thought possible the close connections I've made through blogs. I've come to think of the people I meet here as family–whether united by the writing in our blood, or the eternal bond of the blood of Jesus Christ and our deep love for Him. Here we find camaraderie, encouragement and information in ways others in our lives may not be able to offer, like Cindy said.
I completely agree that all of this is "mysterious. It’s beautiful [like your post]. It’s uplifting and inspiring and I’m equally confused by it as I am grateful for it."
Thanks for the invitation to share the place blogs have found in my life. And thanks for you, Wendy.
Jody, I agree with you. I think we provide something for each other our non-writing friends may not know how to provide.
ReplyDeleteJoanne, I like the idea of the stone getting stronger.
Jennifer, Christ is the ONLY one capable of connecting us. Yes! When I first started blogging I had no idea what I'd find on the other side of the door and I've been overwhelmed with gratitude by what I have found.
I'm thankful for you, Anne. What I love most about you is that you are always, always pointing to Him. It makes you shine!
Loving these responses!
~ Wendy
Wendy, OK, wow. Well said. I don't think I would even be able to put the connection that happens into words. You did well, my new Bloggin' Friend! God is SO good. I love how we are all able to connect in such a real and vital way, all without ever meeting in person. :-) Sweet blessings, Amy
ReplyDeleteWendy, thank you for providing part of the inspiration for my post today.
ReplyDelete~ Anne