Monday, April 9, 2018


My family is still on Hawaii time this morning as we dive back into routine and take on the day. There’s no way I could choose a favorite experience from our trip because so much of what we encountered the past few days has left a deep impression. A spattering volcano. A black sand beach. Raging waterfalls. A free-range horse ride, and stunning waves to name a few, not to mention the unplugged time together.

When we trekked down through a lava tube (a hole carved out underground from the fierce flow of lava) my eye kept gravitating to the roof of the cave-like tunnel. Long tendrils spiraled down over our heads. I asked our guide what the moss-like stringy roof décor was, conjuring stalagmites and glow worms in caves I’ve seen on nature programs.

The answer = roots.

Roots, of course. Because plants will grow where they will.

And I couldn’t think of anything else in the world that I can relate to more right now.

Why? Because we’re moving again. A year ago we signed the contract on our home in Georgia, and sometime in the next few months we’ll be signing a contract on a home in California.

I may not have roots planted in deep soil when it comes to a home town, but I have established memorable friendships and have garnered a strong sense of adaptability. I’m a pro at moving. But it comes with its own share of anguish, stress, fear, and raw emotion.

This song says it all . . .



  1. I can relate. It really drives home the fact that this world is not my home.
    Where will you be moving to in California? It's a big state and most of it is not like what you see on TV.

    1. The OC. I can believe that about TV. We don't have a house there yet. Do you live in CA?

    2. I do but in Los Angeles. We will be at least 2 hours apart (with traffic).
      Traffic is real here - it's like no other. You plan your life around it. Feel free to email me if you ever have any questions -

    3. Love having you as a contact there. Thank you! I really appreciate it.


Taking Time

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