Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Spreading the Key Chain Love

I’m excited to announce a way for you to win this beautiful key chain. I’m celebrating the recent release of The Disappearing Key. It’s been so rewarding receiving initial reactions. As many of you know word of mouth is king in the world of publishing.

Here’s where you come in.

We’re going to play our own little version of six degrees of Kevin Bacon.

Six Degrees of The Disappearing Key.

Women are natural connectors. We chat on the phone, text, and FB with our friends and family.

I want you to do some “key” connecting by keep a tally of how many people you personally (phone, text, FB, but keep it personal) tell about The Disappearing Key. (Dogs don’t count. I mean, they count, but not in this contest.)

Let me know in the comments how it’s going and how many family members and friends you’ve shared with. 

I need all tallies by Sunday, October 13th 9:00pm. (EST)

Here’s simple logic for you, the person with the highest number wins the key chain.

On your mark, get set, go!

*I’ll present a bonus gift to the person who comes up with (and shares in the comments) the most creative way they spread the word about The Disappearing Key.

**Next week I’ll post the latest map of the U.S. highlighting Key Book Clubs from Coast to Coast (see this post for more details)

***make sure to stop by next Tuesday to see who wins and to read a powerful post when I introduce you to the woman I dedicated The Disappearing Key to. (Call photo by stock.xchng.)


  1. Hm...I've shared w/my FB friends and my twitter followers, so over 2000+ people! Also gave a review on Goodreads/Amazon. But that's not as personal! I have told 3 of my personal friends that I highly recommend your book. And I won't STOP recommending it! I loved it and can't stop thinking about the characters!

  2. Oh, you are coming in strong, aren't you, Heather? I'll count the 3 personal friends to make this a fair game. You can most certainly add to that count by Sun. pm.

    And Heather, I'm so moved at how much my novella got to you. I feel like we could talk about it for hours. Glad the characters stuck--such a huge compliment for an author!!!

  3. Well, since we are only counting personal friends ...
    My husband, my friends Sonia and Shari and Jeanne, my daughters, Amy and Katie Beth, and I know I mentioned your book to Rachel Hauck ... must get talking more about this book.

  4. Beth, I'm counting seven. That's a wonderfully strong start! Love it!!!

  5. Congratulations Wendy! Stopped by to grab the cover picture because I'm sharing this on Monday's post. Had no idea you were doing six degrees, just wanted to share your news. :) Excited for you!

    1. It's messages like this that really get to me, Karen! Thanks for surprising me & for your willingness to pass on the word!!!


Taking Time

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