Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Your Black Moment: When Everything Falls Apart by Gina Conroy

As I continue on this journey of faith and publication it becomes more and more apparent that I’m the protagonist in my own story, and God is the author, moving me along my story arc as I race toward my happy ending.

While there is comfort in knowing that God is the ultimate author, and my story is safe in his hands, there is also fear.

I’m a writer. I know what authors do to their protagonists to get them to the end so they can be the person they were created to be. So they can ultimately reject the lies they’ve been believing about themselves, and embrace the essence of who they truly are.

And walk in truth.

The protagonist must be taken on a soul-searching, gut-wrenching journey. A journey that tears them wide open, where everything in their life falls apart to bring them to their black moment where they cry “Lord, you’re the only hope for this heart.”

I've been there before and I probably will be there again.

I've struggled with figuring out where I fit in this writing world, where God wants me to be. Trying hard not to listen to the lies blaring in my ears that tell me I can’t do this. That it’s too hard. That I’m a nobody. That I will never be who I dream to be, and maybe, just maybe, this is all that God has for me, and I should be content.

Yet, deep inside there’s always a pull, a longing to embrace the essence of who I know I am, who God created me to be, but not sure if I have the strength to go on.
I’ve experienced what it feels like to be lost, wandering around in my own story arc. Have I reached my black moment in my writing life? Have I surrendered all? Will there be a happily ever after?

I don’t know, but what I do know is that when things fall apart in my writing life, God's voice comes through loud and clear.

I remember the day last summer I felt everything was falling apart in my writing life and God's message, through a song, was clear.

“When everything falls apart
Your arms hold me together
When everything falls apart
You’re the only hope for this heart
When everything falls apart
And my strength is gone
I find you mighty and strong
You keep holding on
You keep holding on.”

Where are you in your writing journey? In your life's story? Will you let go and let God hold things together for you?

Trust me, it's much easier and a whole lot more freeing than trying to hold on yourself!

Gina Conroy used to think she knew where her life was headed; now she's leaning on the Lord to show her the way. She is the founder of Writer...Interrupted where she mentors busy writers and tries to keep things in perspective, knowing God's timing is perfect, even if she doesn't agree with it! ;) She is represented by Chip MacGregor of MacGregor Literary, and her first novella, Buried Deception, in the Cherry Blossom Capers Collection, releases from Barbour Publishing in January 2012. On her blog Defying Gravity and twitter she chronicles her triumphs and trials as she pursues her dreams while encouraging her family and others to chase after their own passions. Gina loves to connect with readers, and when she isn’t writing, teaching, or driving kids around, you can find her on Facebook and Twitter.

My Novella: Buried Deception
Mount Vernon archaeology intern and widow Samantha Steele wants to provide for her children without assistance from anyone. Security guard and ex-cop Nick Porter is haunted by his past and keeps his heart guarded. But when they discover an artifact at Mount Vernon is a fake, Nick and Samantha need to work together, set aside their stubbornness, and rely on each other or the results could be deadly. Will Samantha relinquish her control to a man she hardly knows? Can Nick learn to trust again? And will they both allow God to excavate their hearts so they can find new love?

*I love having Gina guest post here today. We go way back. She’s a valued friend and it’s thrilling to cheer her on in this writing journey.


  1. What fun to see two of my dear writer friends together. Waving at Wendy and Gina.

    Leaning on the Lord and letting Him lead help me make it through the tough times.

  2. Oh yes, I def. try to let go. What a lovely post and so very true. I love the perspective that what we're going through is continuing to form us...Thanks for the post!

  3. Wendy, thank you for the intro to Gina! Gina, it's nice to meet you; thanks so much for sharing this. I appreciate your encouragement.

  4. A beautiful post full of great truth. Letting God have His way is scary at times, but I've found He never lets me down.

    I had to giggle a minute when you said you know what writers do to their protagonists to get them where they need to be. I've felt that way! :)

  5. Gina, first, I just saw your book at my grocery store (where, sadly, I shop for most books!). Gorgeous cover! Secondly, yes, I get this. I'm nodding and nodding because I get this. Thank you SO much for opening up and sharing.

    Wendy, love you!

  6. I've been thinking about this a lot lately. Wondering what will happen if I allow myself to keep walking this writing path. And I keep coming back to this truth: God will not lead me astray.

    Thanks for the Truth in your post this morning, Gina.

  7. How lovely to read your beautiful, honest words this morning. The great thing about the protagonist? They seem to end up in much better places than they started - emotionally and spiritually. Keep walking!

  8. Just a heads up, Gina has contacted me to let me know that she's having difficulty commenting (this has been a royal problemo lately). I know she wants to interact with you though and she's grateful for the RTs and the thoughtful comments.

    So am I.
    ~ Wendy

  9. Love the idea that you're a protag in your own story...the longer you're on this writing journey, the more poignant that fact becomes!

  10. I love this. I never thought about how my life is like my characters' arcs. Revolutionary.

    Thanks, Gina, for sharing. And thanks, Wendy, for hosting. :)

  11. Very beautiful and so true. The biggest thing I've learned on this writing journey is to trust in the Lord and His perfect timetable.

  12. Great post! It's so hard to keep perspective sometimes. And it's even harder to think that we WANT to be in a place that causes us to grow and change so much...

  13. Thanks for commenting, everyone! I've been computerless and having trouble posting comments to the blog.

  14. How cool is this...Gina contacted me and asked that I respond to you (she cares that much) b/c Blogger has been giving her difficulties. (I'm messing w/ a few things hoping to work the kinks out.)

    Wendy, your readers are ALL awesome! Such great comments (see my responses below) Hope you don't mind me inviting them to my place every now and then. It gets kinda lonely in the comment section! In fact, I wouldn't mind some chatter about this post!

    Thanks, Katie! I tell 'em like I live 'em!

    Keli and Jessica N, letting go is a lot harder then it sounds, when there is so much freedom when you finally figure out how to do it!

    Kathy, nice to meet you too and I noticed you visited my blog, Defying Gravity which is a bit neglected, but you can always find me at I blog on thoughts like these every Friday!

    Jessica Patch, thank you! Yes, being a writer and know that God is the author and will do what he has to to get us where he wants us to be is SCARY! But once past the black moment, it is freeing. Still wondering if I'm there! :)

    Julie J, thanks! I guess truth comes through pain, which is a sobering thought!

    Jill K, how fun that you saw my book in a grocery store. I've only seen them in Walmart and the local Christian book store! It's comforting that I'm not the only one who has experienced this type of black moment!

    Lindsay, my prayer of late has been "Lord, show me the next step." It helps the journey not be so long and the obstacles easier to overcome along the way.
    Donna, you said, "The great thing about the protagonist? They seem to end up in much better places than they started - emotionally and spiritually." Yep, that's what keeps me walking...
    Heather, "...the longer you're on this writing journey, the more poignant that fact becomes!" Yep, easier to see it the farther along we get! Oh, what I would tell my anxious newbie self if I could go back...

    Sarah, I can't help but see my life as a character arc and other lives as well. I keep asking myself, "what is the LIE I believe?" I've even helped someone out in an impromptu counseling session with that one! Another great question to ask yourself is "why?" Keep asking until you can't! ;)

    Amen, Stacy! "The biggest thing I've learned on this writing journey is to trust in the Lord and His perfect timetable."

    Elana, ..."it's even harder to think that we WANT to be in a place that causes us to grow and change so much..." I don't know that we WANT to be in that place, but we want our happily ever after and to get that you have to survive the black moment!

    ~ Gina
    (Thanks Gina for such beautiful follow up & sorry about the techno. madness!)~ Wendy

  15. So needed to read this reminder! I have to remember to not get discouraged with my writing or lack of and realize God is patiently showing me the way:) Beautiful post!


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