Friday, September 16, 2011

Moving Thoughts Friday

Every Friday I’m going to ask a question. The questions I choose might be ambiguous on purpose. The goal is to have you answer the question according to your beliefs, where you’re at in life or a circumstance that might have recently impacted you. The only thing I ask is that you provide an explanation for why you answered the way you did.

It’s my hope to understand you better through this and also to gain a greater understanding of humanity and how people make decisions.

Listen or be listened to?

*photos by flickr


  1. Gosh, this is going to sound awful, but I have to be honest, I'd rather be listened to. Maybe it's because for so long I had no one to hear. It tends to make one rather eager to speak.

  2. Hi Wendy -

    I try to strike a balance.

    Relationship is a give and take proposition. If one dominates the conversation, it shows a lack of interest in others. On the other hand, if a person is a listener but doesn't share who they are, they give the impression of being secretive or closed off.

    Susan :)

  3. A little listening to and a lot of listening. It's nice to be heard every once in awhile, but it's better to hear others, get to know them, be able to help them.

  4. Both. Sometimes I need to be listened to, but I always have an ear ready when others need to be heard!

    Have a great Friday!

  5. Like Jessica, I'm going to say both, but mostly because I'm really trying to cultivate a listening ear.

  6. Listen.

    We all want to be listened to. And, we have a better chance of that happening if we will first listen.

  7. Listened to! I feel ignored a lot lately and grrrr.

    Hey, thanks for the sounding board this morning!! A little therapy. :O)

  8. Depends on the topic. Typically I like a little of both, but probably fall on the side of liking to have someone listen to me more. It's nice to be heard.

  9. Listen! I'm a natural listener and I like to read between the line and probe people for more. Also, because a lot of the times, I don't enjoy talking. However, when there's something serious going on with me, I would love for people to listen to me for a change, but typically it never happens, because people aren't used to me having much to say.

  10. Both. I love it when people are good listeners, but I also love to listen to them too. It makes for a beautiful mutual friendship. :)

  11. Listen, because I never have anything bright and informed to say and if I do it comes out all wrong, that's why I write, I can say it better (hopefully) through the keyboard, and I stutter :-)

    Listened to when I'm saying dinner's ready, or tidy your room, or how much?

  12. Oh, listen. Hands down. I always learn so much more. I already know everything I know!


  13. I'm a verbal processor, so I appreciate a friend who is willing to listen. My hubby deserves a medal for his ability to listen. =)

    Since I know how much I value someone who really listens to me, I try to be a good listener in return. I love connecting with others and learning more about them. Each person has a special story to tell.

  14. Both. I'm with Sarah- an equal amount of both is what builds friendships.

  15. Depends. Sometimes I need someone to listen. Sometimes I just need to shut up and listen. But I will say I think I talk more than I need to.

  16. Unfortunately, I must admit I'm pretty needy at times and need a listener in my life. But to have a successful friendship, we both have to be willing to do both.

  17. Depends on my mood. There are times when I need to be listened to and there are times when I am still and want someone else share their feelings.

  18. Hi Wendy,
    As I have a degree in Communication, I learned in class that it is hard work to listen and an impertinent factor in communicating. I guess you could call it a best kept secret, since most folks have to work at this skill. I like both. I talk a lot but aspire to being a good friend. I think listening is key. Thanks, Susan

  19. I'm working on being a better listener, but I have to admit, I'm a much better talker-- especially when it's my poor husband (who is a wonderful listener, btw).


  20. We need to be listened to. Understanding what it means to be heard gives us empathy to listen to others. Otherwise, we listen only out of neediness, whether we're conscious of it or not. It's the cry of the heart to be heard. Once we find and receive THAT grace, we're all ears.

  21. Wendy:
    I had to learn to be a good listener. But I still like to be listened to. I once got my heart broken when a young woman down the street from us decided to NOT follow the guideline I gave her. As a consequence, she struggled for several years. But, she finally got her feet on the ground. I believe it was hard for her during those years but she chose to go her own way.

  22. Good questions.

    I'd love to say listened to, because I'm a school teacher and I really do enjoy listening to my kids' stories.

    If I'm really honest though, I think I prefer to be listened to, because I'm a school teacher and I love to talk :)

  23. Depending on the situation, if I meet new people I like to listen... If I am on familiar ground I like to be listened to. If I need to learn something I enjoy listening, if I feel someone is pulling from me, I like to be listened to.


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