Every Friday I’m going to ask a question. The questions I choose might be ambiguous on purpose. The goal is to have you answer the question according to your beliefs, where you’re at in life or a circumstance that might have recently impacted you. The only thing I ask is tha
t you provide an explanation for why you answered the way you did.
Ch ch ch changes…August is going to be a month about change for your Moving Thoughts Friday questions.

It’s my hope to understand you better through this and also to gain a greater understanding of humanity and how people make decisions.
Ch ch ch changes…August is going to be a month about change for your Moving Thoughts Friday questions.

Next up…

What decision changed you?
*photos by flickr
*hello to the new readers!
My decision to leave all that was familiar (family, culture, friends, environment) to begin Grad School thousands of miles away, in a state where i knew no...one! Still struggling, still changing, still accepting the challenge!
ReplyDeleteThe decision to give my life to Christ. Freshman year. Madison, WI. 10th floor in Witte hall inside my dorm room. There's no decision that even comes close to that.
ReplyDeleteSaying no to the world and yes to God. Best. Choice. Ever.
ReplyDeleteMy decision to leave one school several states away behind me and return to my home state, feeling very much like a failure. My life might be very different had I made a different decision. And I like my life.
ReplyDeleteTo follow Christ no matter what. He's still challenging me with that one. ;) Changing my character to be more like His. Love the final results, just not the process so much. =)
ReplyDeleteThe decision to break off my engagement to Mr. Right (who was anything but) even though everyone else thought I was crazy. And then Mr. Really Right showed up 5 weeks later ... and I wasn't ready. But He was. And he introduced me to faith. And adventures. And what it felt like to be loved unconditionally.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to be completely honest...the decision to have sex at a young age. Everything happens for a reason, but it was definitely a defining moment that set the course of my life for the rest of my life.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's an ongoing process.
Ultimately, Jesus Christ, but also leaving a small town to go away to college and moving to a big city.
ReplyDeleteReading The New Testament
ReplyDeleteThe decision (more like accident) to attend my first Bible study forever changed my perception of God's word and what can really be found deep in the stories. The study was on Esther by Beth Moore and it changed my life!
ReplyDeleteEvery big decision I make changes me. And I love that! I just keep praying that they're changing me for the better.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt about it, the decision to surrender and make Jesus Lord of my life.
ReplyDeleteTaking the God leap.