Every Friday I’m going to ask a question. The questions I choose might be ambiguous on purpose. The goal is to have you answer the question according to your beliefs, where you’re at in life or a circumstance that might have recently impacted you. The only thing I ask is that you provide an explanation for why you answered the way you did.

It’s my hope to understand you better through this and also to gain a greater understanding of humanity and how people make decisions.
Idiom day (that’s idiom, not idiot)

Seek greener pastures or weather the storm?

*photos by flickr
**Am loving the dialogue so far on my new Facebook writer page. Please come join the conversation!
**Am loving the dialogue so far on my new Facebook writer page. Please come join the conversation!
It's tempting to seek greener pastures, but the thing about those green pastures is that there's always greener ones off in the distance. Weathering the storm might be tough and confusing and uncomfortable, but often, there's a rainbow just around the corner.
ReplyDeleteWeather the storm. If our foundations are built on Jesus, there is no storm we can't weather!
ReplyDeleteI'm all for hunkering down and weathering the storm.
ReplyDeleteI hate change. :)
But, but, but...those pastures look soooo greeeen...and new...and fun! Okay, I'll weather but I don't know how happy I am about it. ;)
ReplyDeleteIt would first depend on the call-- where I sensed Him leading me.
ReplyDeleteBut minus that, the pastures look beautiful...but I'd have to say weather the storm. Actually, I'm kind of doing that in some areas of my life right now. At least I know the lay of the land, even if the storm is unpredictable; in greener pastures, all is unknown.
Without His voice beckoning me, that venture into the unknown is unthinkable. Wow. Food for thought, Wendy!
I'll weather the storm, but I'll whine and look with longing at everyone frolicking in greener pastures! Who wants to sit in a storm? Blech!
ReplyDeleteI'll weather the storm ~ makes us stronger.
ReplyDeleteI'll weather the storm while the rain waters my future green pastures!! :)
ReplyDeleteIt's all about weathering the storm. It's not about seeking perceived better circumstances, but being content in the ones you have.
ReplyDeleteWeather the storm. There are never greener pastures (except the ones in our imaginations). :)
ReplyDeleteI weather the storm so i could show it who is the real boss! :)
ReplyDeleteHi Wendy! Love these Fridays...I've been out of 'net-land for sometime, but think I'm back now. Hmm, this is always a tough question. I have to pray about it each situation each time. I think God wants us to "weather the storm" most of the time to build character in our lives. But, I also wonder if sometimes he wants us to move to those "greener pastures". Of course, those "greener pastures" always have weeds just out of view from the fence.
ReplyDeleteWow! Finally a Friday question that's easy for me to answer. =) Weather the storm. I've learned the most and grown the most as a direct result of going through some of the toughest times in my life.
ReplyDeleteI make a parallel to writing. Because my characters have to endure trials, they end up better, stronger people. I'm all for being better and stronger myself.
Besides, sometimes the "greener pastures" I might want aren't always the best thing for me. Leaving the plan for my life up to the Shepherd works for me.
My first instinct is to always seek greener pastures, but usually when I sit down and figure out the right thing to do, it's to weather the storm. MaDonna is right -- from a distance we can't see the weeds in those pasturelands we're coveting.
ReplyDeleteGreat question!