Friday, March 11, 2011

Moving Thoughts Friday

Every Friday I’m going to ask a question. The questions I choose might be ambiguous on purpose. The goal is to have you answer the question according to your beliefs, where you’re at in life or a circumstance that might have recently impacted you. The only thing I ask is that you provide an explanation for why you answered the way you did.

It’s my hope to understand you better through this and also to gain a greater understanding of humanity and how people make decisions.

Write numerous reasonably noteworthy books or write one phenomenal book?

*photos by flickr


  1. Honestly, I would get bored working on the same book for a long time. I would rather write numerous books. I don't think a single story idea could hold my attention for very long. I want a long writing career with a lot of books!

  2. We discuss this at home a lot. I'd rather be an Agatha Christie than a Harper Lee. I don't even want to write a phenomenal book (I barely want to read them). It just seems like too much pressure - I'm for the fun :)

  3. One truly meaningful book that would impact generations would be awesome. Especially at my age. I would be okay with a Gone with the Wind or a Little Women or . . .

  4. Oooh...that is TOUGH. I do think of TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD.
    But I would have to say...numerous noteworthy books. I don't think I could imagine writing one book and just being "done".

  5. Is it terrible that I want to write several and make some money at it too? I'd love to be able to give back to my family in some way for supporting me in this endeavor.

    I love your posts, Wendy! Have a great weekend!

  6. Phenomenal is subjective. Who determines what makes a book phenomenal? I think I'd prefer to be noteworthy and write several books than one book. Writing several books allows me to hone my skills with each new book. Plus, it enables me to fulfill my heart's desire. One book feels too limiting.

  7. If Phenomenal is Gone With the Wind, one hit wonder worthy, then that would be enough for me and I would be happy. :O)

  8. Numerous noteworthy books . . . I think my answer stems for the fact that I believe this life is a journey. Because I write in the Christian non-fiction genre, I think God is going to show me amazing things along the journey that I will need to write about. It would be impossible for me to capture all that God wants me to do in one book, in one moment of time. I love your questions sister!

  9. I'd definitely say numerous noteworthy books. I have lots of ideas and so for me it would be more fulfilling to see those in print (even with only moderate sucess) than having one big book.

  10. Numerous books please. I have waaaay too many passions to just write about one thing and be done.

  11. One long as that means you have poured every drop of your blood, sweat and tears into it. We are given gifts...and if one book is what you are given to share with the world with His blessing, then that is the one that should be written. :0)

  12. Phenominal only lasts as long as there are readers who agree with your assesment. How about pouring yourself into EVERY book and never being satisfied with "it was good enough last time"

    Just my $.02

  13. The key word for me in your question was "reasonably" noteworthy. Reminds me of the scripture about not being lukewarm. While I've obsessed neurotically about not being a "one book wonder" (and the "wonder" in that is slightly self-serving!), I could live with one truly powerful writing.

  14. My prayer is to be multi- published, spilling out books until I leave this Earth. What a wonder that would be!

  15. Ooo, tough one. Numerous I think, so I can always have something new to look forward to working on. :)

  16. One phenomenal book. Full of life, Jesus, and stirring, jarring thoughts. You know. Thoughts that move.

  17. Numerous noteworthy books. You never know how one book is going to affect each person and this way, there are so many chances to reach so many people. And besides, I love writing too much to stop at one :)

  18. Numerous books. Having spent two years revising my debut novel (with more edits yet to come as I work with my publishing house), I was more than ready to move on to another story. Plus, I enjoy learning and stretching myself as a writer and like to think each story will be a little bit better than the last.

  19. Numerous books. It would be too much fun to stop after only one :)

  20. Numerous books. I'd be said if I only ever wrote one book.

  21. Many books. Although, the money from the one biggy would be nice, it probably wouldn't fulfill my need to write.

  22. I'd go for numerous, just because I'd go crazy if I spent my whole life on one project. I like finishing and moving on way too much.

  23. I can't answer your question, but I do have to say I am always so mesmerized by your photos.

  24. Wendy:
    I am uncertain. If I am able to write several, I want them noteworthy. If I am only able to write one, I would want it to be phenomenal.

  25. I don't want to be a one-book wonder. Rather, I'd like to write numerous books, each one showing consistent growth.

  26. Numerous books. I'm a perfectionist, but even I need a break from the same story after a while. :)

  27. If I'm going to eek out a career as a writer (someday), I'd have to say numerous books. But having read Ann Voskamp's phenomenal book, I also think one great one would be enough.


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