Wednesday, February 16, 2011

8 Reasons I Love Being a Writer

On this I 8 Wednesday I’m going to continue the conversation of love. It’s all we need, right?

Why I love what I do…

  1. I never get bored.

  2. I set my own schedule. I can write in the morning. I can write in the night. I can write on a mountain or while flying a kite. (Thanks Dr. Seuss. You were fun!)

  3. Writing enables me to grow intellectually as I research and create plots. Reading profusely = education. I’m like good Will Hunting. ;)

  4. I get to wordsmith or wordscythe and delight in the results. I’m a puppeteer planting characters on the page and playing origami with my words.

  5. Showing up does not require that I’m dressed in anything other than my pajamas.

  6. Often when people discover what I do we are led into a delicious conversation about books.

  7. It’s a wonderful excuse to over-caffeinate and frequent book stores.

  8. As I forge ahead in this industry I teach my children about endurance and discipline, all the while pouring passion into what I love.

Do you love what you do? Tell me more...

*photos by flickr


  1. Ahahaha! Yes, all wonderful reasons for being a writer. :-)

  2. I love all of your reasons--especially that I get to sit around in my pjs all day and not feel guilty:)

  3. I can totally relate to all your reasons. Your 8th reason sums it for me :)

  4. I love #7! :) I also love the natural high from crafting that perfect that evokes just the right word picture and lots of emotion.

    Good stuff, Wendy.

  5. Number 7 is my fav! I adore crafting stories, the writing life has filled me with passion and purpose. I'm drawn closer to God in my quest to fulfill His plan for my life.

    Fun post!

  6. With the exception of 3 & 4 (since I don't write fiction and don't know much about "crafting characters") I love all your reasons!!! I didn't even know how much I love writing, or realize that I was "a writer" until recently! It only took me 27 years of continuous, constant journal keeping and 5 blogs to figure it out, lol!

  7. Words were given to us by God. It's a delight to read and write them.

  8. YAYAYAY I love ALL these reasons! :)

  9. Amen, amen, amen. Love this list. And I love writing because of the community of individuals I've met (including fabulous you!) that I would never have known otherwise! xo

  10. Wendy, I love your reasons for writing. Here's my take . . .

    1) Yup! My life is never dull.
    2) Right on! Smiled at the Seussism.
    3) Learning all the time. Don't ever want to stop.
    4) Love the term wordscythe. You are soooo clever. I need to wield mine often.
    5) Don't look now, but guess what I'm wearing. (It's still early in California. =)
    6) Talking about writing and books is such fun.
    7) Don't do caffeine, but bookstores are the best. (Pretty please, Borders, don't let my local store be on your closure list.)
    8) My daughter is in college pursuing her passion.

  11. Yes! I absolutely love what I do. Especially the part about showing up in my pajamas! :)

  12. Yes, I love what I do. The whole process has become a way of life, and I couldn't see doing anything else but this, in some way, shape or form :)

  13. Love number eight! I try to involve my kids in the whole process. Last night I thought it would be fun to take them to a book signing. It was Jwoww from Jersey Shore fame and although my kids don't watch the show they still knew who she was and apparently so did over 500 other people. It was a madhouse. I told my DD we would not be standing in a three hour line to purchase her book on the rules of dating. Instead I had the kids walk up to the front and take pictures of her. It was fun and scary. I thought the place was going to be mobbed and destroyed. It looked like it was the first time in a bookstore for a lot of these people. I think I need to take them to a more tame venue next time.

  14. Ooooh! This is an AWESOME list, Wendy!! I LOVE WRITING!!!

  15. I love to write, but I also "have" to work and care for my parents.

  16. Yes, I love your reasons too! I love being able to do what I adore, and I love being able to stay at home to do it! If I had to function in the real world for longer than an hour at a time I think I would be insane. :)

  17. Hi Wendy -

    Amen! I'll add one more: I get to hang out with awesome blog buddies like you.

    Susan :)

  18. As a homeschool mom I love that it shows my kids that learning is a lifetime activity. As I have fun learning about craft, I hope to teach them to capture their excitement for learning in whatever area God leads them.

  19. I love writing because I love listening. And then giving back something for others to listen to.

  20. Hi Wendy,
    I love doing anything that glorifies the Lord.

    God bless you


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