Every Friday I’m going to ask a question. The questions I choose mi
ght be ambiguous on purpose. The goal is to have you answer the question according to your beliefs, where you’re at in life or a circumstance that might have recently impacted you. The only thing I ask is that you provide an explanation for why you answered the way you did.

It is my hope to understand you better through this and also to gain a greater understanding of humanity and how people make decisions.

Beach or lake?
*photos by flickr
Beach. There is something about the movement of waves and the fact that a beach is not hemmed in by land that thrills my little heart. I guess it speaks to me of freedom and horizons, of going somewhere and the possibility of reaching my goals.
ReplyDeletebtw I love your one question Fridays. They always make think :)
ReplyDeleteLove these days...and especially these pix.
Definitely Beach. Unfortunately I live in the middle of the US so I am surrounded by lakes. They are beautiful and I love to spend a weekend camped out by them. But, there is a calm that I get from the Beach that I can't replicate anywhere else.
ReplyDeleteBeach! Especially here in Florida where alligators fill ours!
ReplyDeleteBEACH! Although I can get lost (in a good way) in any body of water, I prefer to sit on a beach and gaze out into the ocean.
ReplyDeleteBeach! If I'm at the beach, I'm on a real vacation :)
ReplyDeleteLake, for sure. Looks like I'm the only one so far.
ReplyDeleteI love the shady trees nearby and the fresh water without the taste of salt. Besides, some lakes have beaches too, so you get both options in one. :-)
Beach! (Seems to be a consensus so far. hehe) I read a long time ago that the movement of water (especially large bodies) does something to the ions in the air that our bodies respond positively to, releasing endorphins. So there is a real physical reason we're attracted to the crashing waves. I love the sounds, the smells, and the wonder of looking out to the horizon with nothing on the other side.
ReplyDeleteBeach, beach, beach!!!! Where I live there are tons of dolphins and whales. It's such a magical treat to go to the beach. How I miss the warm sand under my feet right now!!!
ReplyDeleteAs a Kansan first and a Minnesotan second...
ReplyDeleteLAKE! The little fish pond in the cow pasture or mighty Lake Superior. I love the lake.
After this summer, I could totally go for either. I haven't been swimming or sun bathing or anything! Lakes are great for canoeing or kayaking, but beaches are great for taking a swim, tanning, and walking barefoot.
ReplyDeleteWhen I lived at my dad's house, there was a pool and a lawn of comfy grass to lie on. Now that I'm in an apartment, there's only a lawn... of pavement.
Lake. I live in California and prefer the alpine lakes up in the Sierra Nevadas with the majestic pines reaching to the sky to the salt and sand of the ocean. Plus, I prefer the solitude I experience in the mountains to the crowds I often find at the beach.
ReplyDeleteBEACH. I live at the beach, but even if I didn't, there's something about the rolling waves and seeing dolphins in the morning. I love it.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely the beach!
ReplyDeleteBetween those two choices: Lake. I'm not a fan of the sand. It sticks to everything and everyone and gets everywhere (especially with four little ones for it to cling on to!) Lake, okay. River is my place of refuge (it helps that there's one across the street that we spend almost every weekend on.)
ReplyDeleteOcean, lake, river, I don't care. I just love to be near the water.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely beach! The water is just so..different. The waves are real. The lakes around here are not all that great (which is funny cause I am on Lake Erie, which is one of the Great Lakes)...the water isn't pretty. There's stones and it hurts your feet to walk into the water. There's sand, obviously not naturally, but it's not smooth like at the ocean's edge.
ReplyDeleteBeach only because the Florida lakes are full of alligators and are our rivers. This isn't a deep answer, but sometimes the truth is found at the surface.
ReplyDeleteBeach. The sound of the breakers crashing is magnificent.
ReplyDeleteCan I opt for a mountain stream? I'm sure ocean waves come close, but few lullabies match water flowing down rocks with wind whispering in the pines.
ReplyDeletethe calm quiet of the lake...
ReplyDeleteI love the sound of waves rolling onto a beach, but I don't like the feeling of sand very much (or getting it in my swimsuit), so... LAKE! :)
oooooooooooooooh soooooooo tough!!!
ReplyDeleteCan I have both? I love both. For different reasons.
The beach to me is an ultimate refreshing place...especially in winter. The rolling waves, the salt air, the fact that it's surroundings are renewed daily, wiped clean...mercy is new in the morning..
And lakes speak incredible beauty. If I were to paint or photograph I would find it all there. To me lakes represent peace. Stillness.Beauty.
Both of these places which I adore are magnificent parts of nature and I'm sorry but I can't choose which is more preferable.
Or maybe I'm just way too indecisive. hmmmm :)
We are landlocked, so I enjoy lakes a lot, but if I had my choice it would be beach. I love the peaceful feeling of the beach, the ocean waves and knowing that God is bigger than that mighty water. It puts everything in perspective. I also love the adventure of looking out over the endless water and knowing I could just go out on it forever.
ReplyDeleteOur journey has begun!… secretly though
ReplyDeleteIf I’ve left you this message, you’re a follower of my original blog ~OR~ just someone I’ve happened upon while sending out these invites and that I would LOVE for to come along for the ride! Though I won’t be revealing who I am just yet – until we’re TO and THROUGH the first trimester! Just getting the word out about our new site – further explanation of all the secrecy and what we’re about on my first post. I’d love for you to stop by.
Exciting things going on around here!
~ the {secret} *Maybe* Baby Mama
Beach. Only because when I was little, I prayed that God would make me a mermaid. I love mountains and lakes to look at, but whenever I see the ocean I see mermaids and endless waves of childlike wonder.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely the minority here, but it has to be the lake!
ReplyDeleteTwo reasons. One, the lake represents childhood and fun. My best friends parents had a lake house that we would go to in the summer. We'd go fishing or boating or swimming and have so much fun. I went to camp in Colorado when I was younger and would do the same thing. There isn't a lake out there that isn't absolutely gorgeous in the summer.
Two, I hate how wet sand gets stuck everywhere... plus how I have a spaz attack when seaweed hits my feet and I am sure I am the next victim of Jaws.
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