Please feel free to post this picture on your blog if you are trekking ahead on your writing journey as a reminder to keep on keepin’ on.
Remember the scene at the end of As Good as it Gets where Jack Nicholson says to Helen Hunt (sorry I forgot onscreen names) “You make me want to be a better man”? That’s my message for fellow writers today.
You make me want to be a better writer.
You provide me with great encouragement. When I stumbled into social networking Oz, I discovered a land inhabited with other writing munchkins (as quirky and comfortable in their quirkiness as I). I felt like screaming, “I’m not alone in this. The passion runs deep. The people of the village have spoken.” At least a dozen times a day, I find reasons to thank God for blogging friends and online contacts. I’ve gleaned so much from you.
However, the Yellow Brick Road isn’t always coated with a Pine Sol shine. I watch longingly at times when this one gets a book published and that one gets an agent. I battle jealousy. But I don’t let it linger. Jealousy is like a starving lion. Feed him a little and he’ll take your arm off. Or he’ll swallow your head whole if you get too close. Besides, my time will come.
One of the best parts about connecting with other writers is reading work that makes me feel like I’m swimming in a geyser of liquid gold. I love it when someone gets my work and when I get theirs. Shivers run through me when I read tight, powerful sentences. I celebrate when I learn about others moving ahead on the path. Reading how others vulnerably express their writing triumphs and strategies motivates me.
Over Christmas break I had the privilege of meeting my critique partner and blogging friend, Jill Kemerer. I delighted in her company. We could have spent all day swapping stories. Meeting Jill merged my perception of an online friend/encourager with a physical face to face interaction. I wasn’t in Kansas anymore but I felt lifted from Oz as well. Our meeting got me reared up for a conference I plan to attend in September.
I cannot wait to meet more people I’ve connected with online. My time with Jill reminded me of all the reasons I love being connected in the writing world. I’m encouraged there. I’m inspired to keep on keepin’ on. The online writing community is like one ever-swirling, gigantic brainstorm. A home away from home.
I hope you realize that you are impacting me.
Simply put…you make me want to be a better writer.
*Check out my article over at Sage Girls Ministry
**Thank you, Jill for meeting with me and for being such an encourager
Simply put…you make me want to be a better writer.
*Check out my article over at Sage Girls Ministry
**Thank you, Jill for meeting with me and for being such an encourager
*** road photo by flickr
Ah, and you make me want to be a better writer! So thankful for this wonderful community of friends:)
ReplyDeleteThanks and Blessings,
Awww...that is so sweet! And what a great pciture! You both are GORGEOUS! (Inside and out) :)
ReplyDeleteAHHH!!! So cool that you got to meet! What an incredible, incredible blessing!! I'm happy for you!
ReplyDeleteYou are so talented, Wendy! Your day will come! (As will mine, hopefully!) Love you!
I feel the same way! What a beautiful post!
ReplyDeleteSo fun...and ditto on the this!
ReplyDeleteYou're making me tear up, lady, and there's no crying in blogging! Your words are exactly how I feel. I go through the same things, and I feel so blessed to have you to share the ups and downs with. Your writing is amazing and I'm honored you share it with me.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Wendy! Have a blessed day!
I have stumbled upon it, too, and found a richness and a kindness here. I wasn't looking for it. I wasn't expecting it anywhere. Finding that I am not alone comes like a surprise package in the mail on a cold winter day.
ReplyDeleteSo lucky! And your both so beautiful! I so wish i could go to the conference in September. I wish it wasn't sooo far away from me. And your blog def. makes me a better writer. Thank you for being so lovely.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great inspiration you are to me. I have several books that have been in process for a couple of years, just can't get past the proposal. :-)
ReplyDeleteSO great that you were able to meet with your critique partner in person. BTW - have you been to She Speaks yet? I went 2 years ago and was SO blessed. I hope to go again this year.
Sending you love, Beautiful!
That is so cool that you got to actually meet with an blog friend and crit partner. And, for the record, you make us all want to be better writers too.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh! Look at you guys! I am sooo happy you got to meet and share in each other's company. You are both beautiful people. Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteWendy, I don't comment here on every post, but I do read every post. You should know that you, my dear, do exactly the same for me. :D
ReplyDeleteSeptember ... *sigh* ... dreaming ...
How awesome that you two got to meet! You're both beautiful too.
ReplyDeleteThis is a really good post and I completely agree. :-)
I love the bonds that tie us together as writers. And those between well-matched critique partners are so special. I'm glad you and Jill got to enjoy some time together. I can't wait until I get to see my CP in person again.
ReplyDeleteIt's a great community and you said exactly how I feel. Just for the record, your words help me as well.
ReplyDeleteLiquid gold, eh? Cool...
ReplyDeleteI so agree. Especially the bit about the hungry lion. And it is amazing to meet your online friends in real life, and it feels like you've known them forever.
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Wendy! Other bloggers who are writers are extremely motivational! So awesome that you got to meet with Jill - I love her blog! Keep on reaching for your dream! God bless!
ReplyDeleteForgot to say 'thanks' for the sweet award! Also wanted to let you know that I stopped by Sage Girls Ministry and read your article. I was so shocked to find out it contained the same concepts I read this morning in preparation for a Bible study I do with my daughter and her best friend (both of whom got laptops for Christmas!!). Thanks for your insight and the timeliness of your article!
ReplyDelete*hugs* You are amazing--both as a person and a writer. You make me want to be better at both. Thank you. :D
ReplyDeletePS Yay for meeting Jill. You two make a wonderful combination!
Wendy, this is such a sweet post. Your honesty and humility are awesome. And I find you inspiring, too.
ReplyDeleteJill rocks! How cool you got to meet one another!
A big AMEN to your comment about us family of writing bloggers! Couldn't keep writing without all of you!
ReplyDeleteWhat an exciting day to have spent with your critique partner!!
I agree with you 100% Wendy! As a newbie on the writing scene, I cannot tell you how much I have learned and been encouraged by fellow on-line writers. The information is priceless and the friendships will last a lifetime. You were one of the first 'real writers' that came and left a comment on my blog - it was such an encouragement and I admit to getting a bit excited (I talked about it for days - my husband thanks you :-) Since then your blog has lead me to many other wonderful authors and writing resources. You are a true gem - - and so is your blog!
ReplyDeleteYour pictures are beautiful! Oh my! I am now even more afraid to meet you both:)) I am soooo happy you got to meet. I think it is awesome:)))
ReplyDeleteNeat story. Blog-connections are a great way to learn more about the writing process, be encouraged and motivated, get ideas, etc.
ReplyDeleteTwo beautiful ladies that have the spirit of Christ! You both represent what makes good writing so infectious.
ReplyDeleteWendy you are a blessing more than you may realize, and I know God has great things in store for your writing ministry. I'm just glad to be a spectator!
You're so sweet! And I love the pic of you two beautiful ladies. :) I bet you'll have a blast at that conference in September!
ReplyDeleteWhat a welcoming way to bring in the New Year ... coffee, friends and good cheer! A very inspiring start of the year, best wishes for 2010 :)
ReplyDeleteThat's incredible! You two were so blessed to get to spend face-to-face time together. And I'm blessed to know both of you in blogosphere, because you make me want to be a better writer, and not to give up.
ReplyDeleteKaren, Thank you and blessings to you!
ReplyDeleteJennifer, Those were kind things to write. I always like when you post pics on your blog.
Kristen, I'm guessing your day is just around the corner. I loved meeting Jill.
Nisa, I greatly appreciate what I've discovered in my online connections.
Victoria, Back at you on the gorgeousness. You were covered in prayer today. Write for His glory.
Jill, You are cool. Nice Tom Hanks reference.
Cassandra, Yes, my experience blogging and connecting has far exceeded my expectations too.
T.Anne, I'll be honest...lovely is not usually a word I'd pick for myself so it felt good to read that word. I wish you could go too. You'd be one I'd like to meet in person.
Amy Jo, Talk about inspiration. You are drenched in the Word. I love going to your blog to read about how God is moving in your life! I haven't been to She Speaks. Love to you.
Susan, I'm so glad that is on the record. :D
Cindy, Thanks. You could have easily slid in the booth next to us.
Anne, I can't even begin to write how much respect I have for the way you pursue your faith. Your devotions inspire me daily. You = getting hug.
Jessica, I'm diggin' all that affirmation.
Keli, Your journey is going to get more and more exciting now. I hope you have a meaningful time with your crit. partner.
Patti, I'm pretty pumped all this is going on the record. The one day I put something stupid out there I'll be glad to have this post. :D
Jen, You are a pleasant person to blog with. I get the vibe you'd be an excellent conversationalist.
Deborah, I debated whether I'd swim or frolick in it, but yes...liquid gold!
Elana, There is that pulsing connection. The lion sucks. Yes, I write sucks sometimes...if you have a problem with that anyone...go back to the record...go back to the record. ;)
Maria, That is one my favorite things that God does...sends messages to us in multiple ways. That I could be used in any way...humbles me. Thank you.
Danyelle, You've uplifted me for quite some time and I hope you know how much that means to me.
Janna, I pray I'm humble. I don't know. I pray.
Donna, There's really nothing like it, eh?
Tricia, Your words tonight really touched me. I'm only as 'real' as God inspires. I'm reminded of The Velveteen Rabbit.
Terri, Once you meet me, you'll realize I'm about the least intimidating person to know ever. Until then, I aim to prove that to you.
Warren, I've been blown away by them.
Tamika, I appreciate your support and encouragement. I enjoy reading on your blog where you are at with pursuing your dreams.
Dawn, Is it weird that I don't think of myself as sweet. Beautiful, certainly. Extremely talented...of course...but sweet? Completely kidding here. I begin to get punchy by the last response. I can't wait for the conference.
People, you sure know how to make a woman feel like dumping more compliments on you! Thank you once again for the online support you have been for me.
I'm deeply grateful for how God has led me and I plan to continue to keep keepin' on.
Keep on.
~ Wendy
Joanne, It was a needed meeting and a great time to get together.
ReplyDeleteHeather, I feel blessed to know you through blogging and you inspire me to keep at it as well.
I hadn't hopped off yet for the night.
~ Wendy
What a GREAT picture! I cannot WAIT to meet you in Sept!!! Seriously. Cannot wait.
ReplyDeleteLoved your comment on my blog today. That kid in the doorway, waving like mad, shouting, "Come in here! Come in here!" That's me! :) You are so totally right. You're time will come.
Hey - did you get my FB message? Just wanted to make sure. Sometimes I get paranoid.
Love ya,
Wendy, what a beautiful mind's eye picture of the road ahead! Writer soulmates can bandage blistered heels, offer a hand or a cane or a wheelchair--it does take soulmates to create a novel!
ReplyDeleteThank you for continuing a theme that has consumed my heart and actually consumed a post on Monday!!!
Envisioning the lion devouring me now. You are so lucky to have met Jill in person!!!!!!!!!!!...
ReplyDeleteTell me you're both heading to ACFW conference in September, then tell me that I can somehow make that destination myself then too.
Wendy: I love your analogy of OZ. Now I'm jealous of both of you, that you got to meet each other. But don't worry, I won't let it bite me.
ReplyDeleteDo you suppose when we enter Heaven there will stand a huge sign with an arrow pointing to the Writers's section? Oh joy!
i'm pretty sure that i in no way make you a better writer {since I'm a terrible one myself} but i am so glad that you are feeling encouragement from blogland & that you are waiting patiently for your time to shine! IT'LL COME & don't wish through this part...soak up every minute - the wait is sometimes the best part :)
ReplyDeleteHey I like your blog :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful and inspiring photo. I'd love to be Mary Poppins so I could find out where the path led.
ReplyDeleteI know how you feel.